Chairman’s Message
Dear SCL(S) members,
One of the perks of my job as SCL(S) Chair is being able to respond positively to many of the kind invitations we receive from sister organisations to attend their conferences and events. On one such occasion a few weeks back, I attended the CIOB-NUS Annual Construction Conference. This came on the back of a series of events in Singapore promoting greater productivity and exploring technology disruption in the construction sector. What fascinated me is how quickly we are moving towards large scale implementation (in terms of size, quantity and quality) of technologies like 3D printing in our area of work. As our industry gravitates towards innovations in our work, the inputs that we provide in the service sector supporting the industry must innovate and adapt them. We need to constantly examine and re-examine both the substance of our inputs in a changing landscape but also the way in which we provide those inputs.
I believe that we, as SCL(S) and our membership base here in Singapore, have always taken great pride in being on the frontier of our work and as thought leaders in our communities. The price of maintaining this pride is the hunger that we have never achieved enough and that there is always more to learn.
As we start this new year, I hope some of our resolutions reflect our undying spirit and that we look forward to completing 2018 many steps ahead of where we start.
Thank you.
Alex Wong
Chairman, SCL (Singapore) |
2018 Essay Writing Competition
In 2018, the Society of Construction Law (Singapore) will launch an essay competition which seeks to elicit the views and insights of the rising talent within the construction industry in Singapore.
The 2018 competition will run from April to September 2018. The essays will be on any topic of interest across the construction industry in South East Asia. This competition will be open to students enrolled at universities or other tertiary institutions in Singapore. All essays submitted should be no more than 3,000 words in length (excluding footnotes). The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of S$2,000 and may be published by us.The first runner-up will be awarded a cash prize of S$500.
Full details of the competition will be announced in due course.
Contributed by: Wen Si - Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd
Habitat for Humanity – Cycle Out Poverty
SCL is proud to support the Singaporean arm of Habitat for Humanity, an international housing charity that seeks to eliminate poverty housing worldwide by providing decent and affordable housing. Their vision is a world where everyone deserves a decent place to live.
How can you help? Get along to one of Habitat for Humanity's upcoming events. The next event is the "Cycle Out Poverty" charity ride from 13 to 15 April 2018.
Contributed by: Michael Weatherley - Ashurst
Due Diligence and Time of the Essence in Construction Contracts - Can they be implied?
The Singapore Court of Appeal recently found – applying strikingly different reasoning to the Court at First Instance - that there is no implied term of due diligence and expedition in a construction contract nor, unless the contract expressly provides otherwise, an implied term that time is of the essence (CAA Technologies Pte Ltd v Newcon Builders Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 53).
Proceeding with due diligence and expedition on the one hand refers to an obligation to maintain particular rates of progress. Time of the essence, on the other, refers to a time obligation representing a condition such that, if breached, the innocent party will be entitled to terminate the contract.
Contributed by: Sean Hardy - Pinsent Masons MPillay; Raman Kaur - Pinsent Masons MPillay
Latest Post Event Updates
LHC-SCL(S) Annual Curry Quiz Night
(30 September 2017)
Our Annual Curry Quiz Night took place on the 30th September where quiz fans gathered together for an evening at the Singapore Indian Association.
The fundraising event was jointly organised by the Lighthouse Club and Society of Construction Law (Singapore) to raise money for our beneficiaries. The event was a sell-out weeks before and had over 60 people attending, raising a total of $2000.
Contributed by: Jim Chessell - Lighthouse Club (Singapore), Alex Wong - Society of Construction Law (Singapore)

Construction Law 101 (8th Run!)
(26, 31 October, 02, 07 November 2017)
Council is proudly hailing the inaugural run of Construction Expertise 101 as both a success and a significant milestone in the Society’s support of professional development.
Over 5 sessions held in March & April 2017 at Royal Palm, The Central, a pleasing total of 19 participants heard introductory explanations, insights, and shared experiences pertaining to the expertise disciplines of architecture, land surveying, building contracting, quantity surveying and construction claims consultancy.
Contributed by: Johnson Teo, Norton Rose

Construction Project Execution Risks in Conflict Zones
(02 November 2017)
SCL Singapore held a seminar entitled ‘Construction Project Execution Risks in Conflict Zones’ on 2 November 2017. Ms. Erin Miller Rankin and Ms. Sarah-Jane Fick, both from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, were the speakers for the evening.
The issues in conflict zones that were discussed included the evacuation of employees, the increased cost of business and the lack of security.
Contributed by: Anthony Lee, CTBH
