Dear Member,
As you will be aware, the Government recently raised the DORSCON alert level to Orange due to the continuing Covid-19 virus situation in Singapore.
In line with the recommendation that non-essential large events should be deferred or cancelled, we will be postponing the below event with a view to rescheduling at a later date:
We will keep the situation under review and provide further relevant updates to our members via email and the Society’s website. Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact our Secretariat at
Toh Chen Han
Chairman, SCL (Singapore)

Outreach is Reaching Out
Seeking Expressions of Interest from Socially Responsible Corporates
As a part of its Outreach initiatives, the SCL(S) will be continuing to support Habitat For Humanity, an established charitable organisation that provides affordable housing for the less fortunate. A well-known set of programs of Habitat for Humanity are their single and multi-day builds in neighbouring cities and countries.
The SCL(S) is looking to support Habitat for Humanity through the participation in one of these builds. In the interest of ensuring that we have the required committed level of participation, the SCL(S) Council is seeking expressions of interest from any companies that would be willing to provide the minimum level of participation; and cover the minimum associated costs. In return, when registrations are opened up to the SCL(S) membership, the SCL(S) would refer to the initiative as a collaboration with the participating company(ies) in all promotional campaigns.
The contribution would be from approximately $4,500, for a 1 day build in Batam, to $5,500, for a 2 day build in Batam. There are other options in other countries too.
If you are looking for an opportunity to give something back to the community and also receive some recognition for your Corporate Social Responsibility contributions, please get in touch with us by 31 March 2020:
Contact Person:
Trevor Lam
M: +65 9186 7611

2020 Essay Competition
Papers are now invited for the 2020 SCLS Prize.
The Society of Construction Law Singapore (SCLS) is delighted to announce the launch of the Biennial SCLS Essay Competition 2020.
The following prizes will be offered for winning papers in 2020:
First Prize – SGD 2,000
Runner Up Prize – SGD 500
The winner shall be invited to receive their prize at an SCLS event.
Previous winners (2018) were 1st Prize: Mr. Nguyen Sinh Vuong and Runner-up: Ms Brenda Khoo, both of SMU.
Entries will only be accepted from students aged 28 and below enrolled in universities or other tertiary institutions in Singapore as of the final date for receiving submissions.
Deadline for submissions: 4pm, 31 August 2020.
More details are available HERE.