Co-Editor's Message - July 2020
Dear SCL(S) members,
It is now the middle of what has been a very challenging year. The COVID-19 situation took everyone by surprise and we are seeing extraordinary steps being taken by the government to support the economy. At the SCL, we have been looking to continually provide value to our members through webinars and this newsletter. Council members held a webinar on 6 May 2020 to give their views on the impact of COVID-19 on the construction industry in Singapore. We also held virtual fireside chat on 14 May 2020 on the developments in the infrastructure scene in the region. Both webinars were well-received. We will continue more of these webinars in the foreseeable future.
We also have 3 articles in this newsletter on various aspects of the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020. They cover the gamut of issues raised by the Act and we hope that the articles help members navigate many of the unprecedented changes brought by the Act.
We will keep on chugging along, proving updates on the law and organizing seminars as part of our mission to provide value to our members. We look forward to your continued support.
Ashok Kumar Rai
Co-Editor, SCL (Singapore) Newsletter